
Friday 10 September 2010

Meet the Supreme Products Team- Jennifer Boyes

Jennifer works with Supreme Products on our online communications (newsletters, Facebook, blog, Twitter etc). We caught up with her to find a little bit more about what makes her tick!

1. How long have you ridden and what disciplines do you compete in?

I was first thrown up on my grandma’s grey pony ‘Pepé’ when I was two years old and have been hooked ever since. I am a complete showing addict, both in-hand and ridden, although I’m becoming more interested in straight dressage as well.

2. What is your favourite TV programme?


3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have two younger brothers

4. What is your favourite food?

Crème brûlée

5. Where is your favourite holiday destination?


6. Who is your favourite horse or pony on the yard and why?

I could never choose just one; the other would get very upset! I have two young horses, ‘Trevalda Jazzie Irish’ (Jazz), a rising two year old Irish Sport Horse and ‘Graemar Replique,’ (Katie) a rising two year old part bred Arab. They both have the best personalities and are amazingly well behaved for such babies. I love them to bits.

7. What is your favourite event?

The Ponies UK Summer Champs have always been a favourite of mine. The whole show has such a fun, social atmosphere.

8. What is your favourite item from the Supreme Products Professional Collection?

Supreme Products Sparkle has always been my favourite

9. Do you have a top tip for us?

Supreme Products Sparkle is a great show ring presentation product. It can be used as a final all body show sheen just before you go in the ring. It really makes the coat shimmer and shine, especially on a lovely sunny day.

10. Do you have any family pets?

Not at the moment although I’m hoping to get a puppy next year. For now, I content myself with looking after my dad’s two Ridgebacks, ‘Doudy’ and ‘Nia’ from time to time.

11. What do you feel is your biggest achievement in life so far?

Probably buying my house, with my boyfriend Nick.

12. What music do you currently listen to?

I love Jack Johnson

13. What book are you reading at the minute?

No fiction at the moment but am reading a pile of equestrian books, including ‘Balance in Movement’ by Susanne Von Dietze. I’ve read all of the ones I have before, but love going back and picking up little points I didn’t notice the first time.

14. What was the last film you watched at the cinema?

Inception- it was fantastic!

15. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I’d love to be a little less grumpy in the mornings. Not sure it’ll ever happen though….

16. If you could have an hour’s conversation with anyone who would it be and why?

Probably riding pony breeder and in-hand producer, Robert Cockram (now in Australia). He was the master of in-hand showing in the UK for so long, I’d love to get some tips.

17. When you have time to yourself, how do you like to spend it?

Either out walking in the countryside with only the birds for company or in a hot bubble bath with a magazine and a bar of chocolate!

18. If you were given £1million, what would you spend it on?

Oh, lots of horses and a lovely property to keep them on

19. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?

My house!

20. If you could be anyone else for the day who would it be?

The Queen- I’d just love to know what it feels like to wake up every morning and think ‘Hmm…I’m the Queen of England’ before going and having your breakfast. I would go and try on all the sparkly crowns and robes as well....

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